
How Does A Tax Extension Work?


If you know that you need more time to handle a unique tax situation, you may be hoping to file for a tax extension. A tax extension gives you more time to file your taxes. Oftentimes, people use an extension to give themselves more time to locate important paperwork or to make sure that they've handled their taxes correctly before they file. Keep reading to better understand how tax extensions work so that you can decide if this is right for you.

16 July 2020

What To Do If You Have Unfiled Tax Returns


Unfiled tax returns that are now past-due are a serious matter and must be taken care of, but the consequences aren't insurmountable if you deal with the tax returns promptly. If you have one or more unfiled tax returns, here's how to take care of them. Step 1: Contact a Tax Services Professional Before you panic about your unfiled returns and the consequences that they might bring, first get in touch with a tax service professional to discuss your situation.

28 April 2020

How to Hire a Great Bookkeeper


If your business financials are a mess and you're looking to get back on track, you may be thinking of hiring a bookkeeper. A great bookkeeper can help you make better financial choices and they can save you a lot of time and cut down on stress, too. However, you don't want to hire the first bookkeeper that you see. Instead, you want to make sure that they're a great choice for your needs.

16 April 2020

Small Business Tax Planning Tips For Freelance Writers


Running a small business comes with a variety of unique tax benefits, and many freelance writers are considered small business owners. If you write on a contract basis, use these tax planning tips to reduce your overall tax burden. Claim the Self-Employed Health Insurance Deduction As a self-employed writer, you're entitled to the health insurance tax deduction. Distinct from the health care premium tax credit, which is a credit that helps individuals and families reduce health insurance premiums, this deduction is claimed against a business' revenue.

23 March 2020